What do employees want? A robust benefits package makes employees happy (and more likely to stay).

Is there a giant disconnect between what employees want from a benefits package and what companies are offering? This question should be in every Benefits Director’s mind as the job market tightens and qualified candidates don’t even have to show up for interviews.

With the right benefits package, you will attract and retain talent. But what do employees really want these days, anyway? And why should you really be concerned?


In today’s environment of rising healthcare costs and uncertainty surrounding the individual health insurance market, a benefits package with generous health insurance is more important to current and prospective employees than ever before.

At the same time, employers struggle to offer better health insurance because of rising costs. Despite this, Benefits Directors can work towards offering better healthcare by offering a more personalized approach. Here are 5 things to consider when building a personalized benefits package:



Identifying what benefits other employers offer is a good idea, especially if you are positioning your benefits to be competitive. Cost has led some employers to cut healthcare benefits down, but other companies have chosen to innovate. Technology-enabled solutions that employers have adopted include incorporating personalized data metrics into healthcare strategies, lifestyle coaching, disease management and “point solutions” that pinpoint and address areas of concern for employees.



Educate your employees on the benefits you offer, especially healthcare benefits that can get confusing (like HSAs and accident coverage insurance). A recent survey found that employees really want education about employer-offered benefits, and that personalized tech tools are best for this.

Furthermore, consider benefits education as an opportunity to address the healthcare concerns your employees have. You can counsel them on concerns surrounding out-of-pocket costs for high-deductible and other plans with greater cost-sharing provisions. Supplemental insurance adds value to a benefits package, but employers will likely have to educate their employees on how it works.



Utilizing a decision support tool, like Daizy, that considers what employees need to prioritize can save you – and them – money. By assisting employees in finding the health plan they need, you’re likely preventing them from overpaying for health plan benefits they won’t use. Trending this data can help a Benefits Director understand what healthcare coverage works and what doesn’t.



“Even the richest benefits packages will only be successful if employees understand and know how to use them,” writes HR Technologist. A decision support tool, like Daizy, can do more than just find a great plan for your employees. It can also help employees plan for their needs and explain how their plan options will work.



There are benefits to change, especially when it brings about disruption that aligns with employee demands. The healthcare industry is poised for just those sorts of disruptions, and benefits managers (who are no stranger to change) should focus on communication strategies. Is your company offering telemedicine? Let your staff know.

Are you considering a decision support tool? Solicit feedback from your employees. Find out some general healthcare concerns (like prescription drug costs, in-network providers, maternal coverage) and use that feedback as you evaluate benefit finders. This opens the door to communicate benefit changes to employees in a way that’s much more effective than a mass email.


Employees rely on their employers for benefits that will see them through the ups and downs of life. 90 percent of those employed by mid-size and large private businesses are offered health benefits according to recent data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Offering better, more personalized health benefits will make current and future employees much happier. As one article says, “Benefits are a reliable investment.”

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